Boogers, Beware! Teaching Your Little Ones How to Blow Their Noses

Boogers, Beware! Teaching Your Little Ones How to Blow Their Noses

It’s almost winter season once again, and your child may be prone to sniffles, colds, and flu. Teaching them how to blow their nose is a step towards making them more independent in taking care of themselves. However, this task isn’t always easy for parents to teach their young ones. Don’t worry! In this blog post, we’ll share tips and tricks for teaching your child how to blow their nose.

Introduce Nose Blowing Early

As early as 2-3 years old, you can already introduce the task of blowing their nose to your child. Start by demonstrating how to do it yourself, and then let them mimic your actions. Encourage them to blow their nose gently and remind them to not blow too hard or forcefully. Trying this task after a steamy shower or bath is a good idea as the heat and moisture can loosen the mucus that makes a nose stuffy. 

Make it a Game

Blowing their nose can be a dull and tedious activity for children, but it doesn't have to be. Make it a game by using colorful tissues with different designs or characters on them. You can have them pick their favorite tissues or play the "sneeze and toss" game by having them toss the tissue to the bin after they blow their nose.

Use a Mirror

Children learn best by seeing themselves do things, especially when it comes to blowing their noses. Use a mirror to help them understand how it's done. When they’re feeling well and don’t have stuffy noses, use a mirror to show “dragon smoke” as they exhale onto a small mirror held under their nose. They won’t get the same visual effect if they blow air from their mouth, so this helps with those who make the tissue dance with a raspberry sound. 

You can also encourage them to practice blowing their nose as they look at themselves in the mirror. This helps them see the snot and mucus coming out, which, while kind of gross, can be exciting for them to see.

Be Encouraging, Patient and Positive

Patience is key when teaching your child how to blow their nose. It’s important to understand that children learn differently; some may pick it up quickly while others may take longer. Be patient with your child, offer them encouragement and praise. The more positivity you show, the more motivated your child will be to continue practicing. 

Positive reinforcement is one of the most effective ways to teach your child a new skill. Praise your child every time they attempt to blow their nose, even if they don't do it correctly. Be patient and consistent, and try not to become frustrated if it takes your child a while to get the hang of things.

Consult a Therapist

If your child has difficulty with nose blowing, consulting a therapist trained in speech, occupational, or physical therapy may benefit them. These therapists have experience working with children and can help your child establish critical motor planning and control over their nasal muscles. They can also help your child with other challenges that might impact their ability to perform this task.

Teaching your kids how to blow their nose is not an easy feat, but it's essential for their overall health and well-being. Now that you have read this blog post, we hope it has given you a better idea of how to teach your child how to blow their nose and make it a fun experience together. Remember, introducing nose blowing early and making it a game, using a mirror, patience, positivity, and the possibility of seeking professional help if needed, can make a big difference. Keep these tips in mind, and your little one will be a nose-blowing pro in no time. Good luck!

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