Occupational therapy uses a holistic and evidence based approach to help people of all ages and abilities to do the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of everyday activities (occupations). Occupational Therapists also collaborate with physicians, physical therapists, speech therapists, teachers, behavior therapists as part of a care team.


Occupational therapy (OT) helps people who struggle to do everyday tasks because of poor motor skills. For kids, that includes tasks that are part of learning and functioning well at home and at school. OT works on the skills kids need to do the things they struggle with, from zipping their coat to writing and typing.

Common occupations of children include:
-eating meals
-brushing teeth
-tying shoes
-climbing and playing on a jungle gym
-going to the bathroom
-taking  a test at school
-playing with friends
-riding a bike

A primary goal of Occupational Therapy is to promote participation and facilitate living life to its fullest by helping people to promote a healthy well being, as well as to prevent or live better with injury, illness, or disability.  

Common occupational therapy interventions for children who may have autism, ADD/ADHD, SPD and other special needs include helping the child to participate fully in their day, school and social situations.

Occupational Therapy services typically include:
-an individualized evaluation, during which the client/family and occupational therapist determine the person’s goals
-customized intervention to improve the person’s ability to perform daily activities and reach the goals
-an outcomes evaluation to ensure that the goals are being met and/or make changes to the intervention plan.

COMING SOON!! Click here to learn more about these OT topics:

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