Stuttering is a speech disorder affecting roughly 3 million Americans. An individual who stutters knows exactly what he or she would like to say but has trouble producing a normal flow of speech.


Fluency refers to the rate and flow of speech production. A person who stutters may repeat sounds, words or phrases. They may also stretch out sounds or stop the airflow in mid-speech.  

Disorders in fluency are commonly referred to as stuttering or stammering.

What you can do to help a child who stutters

  1. Reducing your pace and using frequent pauses in your speech is more effective than telling your child to "slow down" or "try again."

  2. Applying "listening time" or "wait time" and giving your child undivided attention can help them to speak more smoothly.

  3. Limiting your questions and taking turns in conversation can be useful.

  4. Setting aside special times with no distractions can help to build confidence. As little as 5-10 minutes a day can make a difference. 


If you feel your child is stuttering, please don't wait and see if it resolves. It is better to seek the advice of a speech-language pathologist. We can can work with you and your child to discover the best way to implement early intervention and give your child tools and strategies they can use to speak more fluently. 

Schedule an assessment today or learn more about the areas of communication by returning to the list of services.